enhrVeleučilište studija sigurnosti (VSS)
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enhrVeleučilište studija sigurnosti (VSS)
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August 2024


University of Applied Sciences in Security and Safety continuously builds its academic and industry collaborations to provide students and employees with access to the latest knowledge and technologies in the field of security. Collaboration with renowned academic institutions and industry partners not only enriches the educational process but also offers students opportunities for practical application...
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The Dean of the University of Applied Sciences in Security and Safety, Dr. Luka Leško, DBA, a former top athlete himself, earned his PhD on the topic of security at the Summer Olympic Games. He visited Paris during the recently concluded Olympic Games, and we are sharing his condensed report on the security of this...
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Blog VSS
Safety and health in the workplace are crucial aspects of successful business operations. The role of management in this context cannot be overstated, as leaders have the power and responsibility to create an environment that promotes the safety and well-being of all employees. In this article, we will explore how leaders can effectively promote workplace...
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Green energy
In the past few decades, the world has witnessed accelerated development in technologies and awareness of the need to transition to sustainable energy sources. Renewable energy sources, known as green energy, have become crucial for the future of energy. In this article, we will explore the advantages and opportunities of using renewable energy sources and...
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